
Albany Haunt Raises Fear and Money!

Posted In: Alameda County, Albany, Arts and Entertainment, Community, For the Heck of It, Fun for Grown Ups, Fun for Kids, Neighborhood Events, Neighborhoods, Photos, Places, Uncategorized
thumbnail for Albany Haunt Raises Fear and Money!
Albany Haunt not only raises your fear level but also raises money  for Alameda County Community Food Bank.  Krista and her family went to Albany Haunt this past weekend.  It is the brainchild of Sam DuBois, a creative teenager who decided that, in exchange for $2 and a donation to the local food bank, he would do his best to scare the bejeebers [...]

Berkeley Sunday Streets This Sunday, October 12!

Posted In: Arts and Entertainment, Berkeley, Community
thumbnail for Berkeley Sunday Streets This Sunday, October 12!
It’s going to be another lovely weekend, with weather stretching into the high 80s on Sunday- which is going to be perfect for Berkeley Sunday Streets!  If you haven’t been before, this is a must-do, particularly on what is sure to be one of the East Bay’s banner beautiful weather weekends. Berkeley Sunday Streets will be occurring this Sunday, from [...]

How to get rid of fruit flies in the home

Posted In: For the Home, Green Living, Home Maintenance
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Hard to complain about the beautiful weather we’re experiencing right now– Indian summer in the East Bay is such a lovely thing!– but sometimes there comes a little uninvited visitor every so often.  That’s right.  We’re talking fruit flies.  The tiny plague.  Fruit flies thrive in damp places so you might find them congregating near your trash disposal, or anywhere [...]